Vincenzo Trusiano Panormo

Vincenzo Panormo, to my way of thinking is one of the greatest double bass makers of all time. He was born in Montreale, near Palermo, Sicily, in 1734. When he was sixteen years of age, he went to work with Bergonzi in Cremona. He learned his trade well and made very admirable violins which created the legend of the Panormo family. Vincenzo had a wandering spirit, Cremona or anywhere did not satisfy him for long. In the year 1753 he made his way to Paris, there he stayed until 1772. In the brief year of 1772-73, he went to work in London. He even went to work in Dublin for a year or two. Eventually he came back to London and worked until his death in 1813. He made all the string family, but to me his double basses are of the highest quality. In fact the only maker I personally think made better basses was David Teachler, then only in his Rome period. His particular instrument is again in my opinion one of the greatest double basses to be found. You get a chance to see, play and sell instruments of this callibre once every few years, so we at Gallery Strings were very happy to have the chance to put this one through our salesroom. As you can clearly see from the photographs, the condition is exceptionable, and every part is original to the maker. The papers that came with, as if needed, can be read as they have some interest. Enjoy this instrument.

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