Contacting Gallery StringsMr. Peter Georgiadis (Double-Basses & Accessories) North Rise To find us is easier than one would think. If you are coming to London by plane, try and come via "Gatwick", then we will gladly come and meet you at the airport. If you can only come to "Heathrow" then we will have to make a special arrangement. If coming from Europe by car, then come either to "Dover" on a ferry or Hovercraft, or come via "The Shuttle", either way you will need to get onto the M20, going towards London, then take a left off junction 11, onto the road to "Hythe", you will then come onto the A259, which is signposted to "Hastings", this you follow all the way until on your left hand side you will see a poster telling you that you are coming to "Hastings" birth place of television, just beyond this sign on an incline you will see the road "Martineau Lane" on your left, turn into this, then just thirty metres on your right hand side is a drive leading to "North Rise", we are at the top of this drive. Welcome. Driving from "London", you take the A21, until you again come almost into "Hastings", you will pass by "Claremont School" on your left hand side, just after this you go under a road bridge, turn right, and right again, this will take you across that very road bridge. Keep going for about three miles until you reach "Ore", turn left onto the A259, to "Rye" and "Folkestone". Just up a hundred metres on your left you will pass a B & Q store, go on over the hill, and going down the other side you will see "Martineau Lane" on your right hand side, then again just thirty metres on your right will be a drive leading to "North Rise". If you scroll down to the map below you can see just where we are, and how easy it is to find us. The black mark indicates just where "Gallery Strings" can be found. Remember to make contact before making the journey, we only see people by appointment. Telephone numbers, Daytime telephone:- 0044 (0) 1424 814105. E-mail/Messenger:- For use of video conference, please contact us on Windows Live Messenger using the above e-mail address.